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Adopting a dog is a great way to enhance your life and the life of the dog you rescue!

Check our available dogs to see what dogs we have available for adoption. This information is updated nightly. Each pet's bio information will be listed, which include whether the pet is available at the shelter or in foster care. You may meet the dogs at the shelter 11-6, Tues-Sunday (1102 W Hatcher Road, Phoenix, 85021).

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

Meet Our Dogs

Things To Consider Before Adopting A Dog

  • Do you have any other dogs and how will they react to a new dog?
  • Is your current residence suited to the dog you're considering?
  • How will your social life or work obligations affect your ability to care for a dog?
  • Do you have a plan for your new dog during vacations and/or work travel?
  • How do the people you live with feel about having a dog in the house?
  • Do you (or your spouse, partner, child, roommate, etc.) have any allergies to dogs, or intolerance of hair, dirt, or other realities that come with having a pet?
  • Do you or any of your household/family members have health issues that may be affected by a dog?
  • What breed of dog is the best fit with your current lifestyle?
  • Is there tension in the home? Dogs quickly sense stress and it can exacerbate any health or behavioral issues they may have.
  • Is there an adult in the family who has agreed to be ultimately responsible for the dog's care?
  • What do you expect your dog to contribute to your life? For example, do you want a running and hiking buddy, or is your idea of exercise watching it on TV?
  • If you are thinking of adopting a young dog, do you have the time and patience to work with the dog through its adolescence, taking house-breaking, chewing and energy-level into account?
  • Have you considered your lifestyle carefully and determined whether a younger or older dog would be a better match for you?
  • Can you train and handle a dog with behavior issues or are you looking for an easy-going friend?
  • Do you need a dog who will be reliable with children, or one you can take with you when you travel?
  • Do you want a dog who follows you all around the house or would you prefer a less clingy, more independent character?
  • What size dog can your home accommodate?
  • Will you have enough room if your dog grows to be bigger than expected?
  • What size dog would suit the other people who live in or visit your home regularly?
  • Do you have another dog to consider when choosing the size of your next dog?
  • How big a dog can you travel with comfortably?

Some absolute expenses for all dogs include:

  • Food
  • Routine veterinary care including dental cleanings
  • Licensing according to local regulations
  • Collars, leashes and identification tags
  • Basic grooming equipment and supplies.

Other cost related variables are not mandatory but are recommended:

  • Permanent identification, such as a microchip or tattoo
  • Training classes
  • Additional grooming supplies or professional grooming (depending on your new dog's needs)
  • A spare collar or leash
  • A bed and toys
  • A crate or carrier

Possible Unexpected Costs:

  • Accidents and illness resulting in veterinary or emergency care
  • Recovery tools for finding a missing dog (posters, rewards, etc.)
  • Specialized professional support to help a dog with special physical or behavioral challenges over come their obstacles.
  • Dogs should be fed two times a day (especially critical with puppies), and need a constant supply of fresh water.
  • A responsible dog parent should spend at least one hour per day giving direct attention to his or her dog. This may include training, exercising, grooming, and playing; or with cats, may just be lap time on the couch. Dogs will need to be taken out to potty several times a day.
  • Dogs with long coats need 20 minutes a day of grooming to prevent matting.
  • Dogs with certain medical conditions may need additional attention, including specifically timed injections in the case of diabetic animals.
  • Remember that adopted dogs may need additional bonding and reassurance time in the early weeks.

Once you've selected your dog, here's a checklist of supplies you may need:

  • Food and water bowls
  • Food (canned and/or dry)
  • Collar
  • 4′ to 6′ leash
  • ID tag with your phone number
  • Dog bed
  • Doggy shampoo and conditioner
  • Nail clippers
  • Canine toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Brush or comb (depends on your dog's coat length and type)
  • Plastic poop baggies (biodegradable ones are best) or pooper scooper
  • Variety of toys (a ball, rope, chew toy and puzzle toy are good starts)
  • Variety of treats (such as small cookies,CET chews available at most vets, etc.)

What is included in Adoption Fee:

Adopt Don't Shop Adoption fees help support the care of animals in our Non Profit No Kill Rescue Shelter. If you were to pay a similar fee for an animal through a breeder or pet store, not only would you not be helping a pet in need, you'd be paying for intentional breeding that has lead to an overpopulation of pets and sadly, thousands of dogs being euthanized each year.

Adoption fees help cover the medical care of the animal while he or she waits for a new home, as well as food, housing and transportation costs. These fees help provide care for other animals in the shelter who may have medical bills that are much higher than any possible adoption fee. The money also acts as a donation to help support the organization as a whole, allowing the group to continue its efforts to rescue and re-home pets.

An adoption fee can end up saving you money! Our shelter fee covers the initial veterinary costs to prepare the pet for a new home.

  • Veterinary wellness visit and exam $50-100
  • Spaying or neutering $150-300
  • Parvo Distemper vaccination $20-30 (× 2 for puppies)
  • Rabies vaccination $15-25
  • Maricopa license for adult dogs $17
  • Deworming for puppies $20-50
  • Dental cleaning if needed for seniors $350

TOTAL: $252-902 (Few shelters or rescue groups would ask this much for an adoption fee.)

We suggest should be done after you adopt:

  • Flea/tick treatment $50-200
  • Heart worm testing varies
  • Collar and an identification tag $5-10

Need a pet friendly place to live? These websites may be able to help:

Free pets usually come with no medical care, so while you may initially save on an adoption fee, the medical costs could add up quickly. Purchased pets are also often not spayed or neutered and may not have a full set of vaccinations, adding to the expense. Many times Arizona Small Dog Rescue reduces fees during special events. We recommend that you "like" our page on Facebook to learn about our upcoming events.

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